Royal Selangor Club
The Royal Selangor Club is one of Asia's oldest sporting institutions and was found in 1884. The building was initially merely a wooden structure with attap roof and subsequently remodeled in Tudor style by 1910. Affectionately called 'The Spotted Dog', the main clubhouse served as a gathering place for British Colonial society and was the center for official social events. Cricket matches were frequently played on the field that is currently Dataran Merdeka. In 1984, the club received royal status under the patronage of the Sultan of Selangor during its centennial celebration.
The club expanded to the prime residential area of Bukit Kiara with the inauguration of the Royal Selangor Club's Kiara Sports Annexe by DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong in 1998. RSC remains the leading Club offering members sports and social amenities that promote interaction and socializing in a friendly, harmonious, and relaxing environment.
Travel Tips
The Perdana Botanical Gardens can be reached by bus and a short 10-minute walk from the KL Tourism Bureau. Check here for the best route for you.